يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُلُوا مِنْ طَيِّبَاتِ مَا رَزَقْنَاكُمْ وَاشْكُرُوا لِلَّهِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ إِيَّاهُ تَعْبُدُونَ

“ Hai orang-orang yang beriman, makanlah di antara rezki yang baik-baik yang Kami berikan kepadamu dan bersyukurlah kepada Allah, jika benar-benar hanya kepada Allah kamu menyembah”. (QS. 2:172)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

When shopping is like a wedding

WALKING down the aisle is every little girl's dream. Surrounded by family and friends, colourful decorations, lively music, lots of food and laughter, the excitement is simply irresistible.

Nevertheless, has it ever occurred to you that grocery shopping can be just as eventful as weddings?

Not only is there similarity in walking down the aisle, but grocery shopping puts you to a test -- can you make the right judgement and pick the best choice?

Here is a quick checklist:
- Be Prepared
Just like for a wedding, the planner is a must. Always prepare your shopping list before hitting the road. You can start on the list anytime, not just when you are heading out to the store. A shopping list prevents you from buying on impulse.

- Perfect Timing
Find a place where you are comfortable, with items you can afford. It could be the wet market round the corner, the sundry shop or the supermarket next to your workplace. Each has its own "specialties" to offer. You just need to open your eyes and look for the best deal. Learn to manage your time while you shop. Avoid rushing as you may end up with poor choices and "extras" which would be thrown away later. Sometimes though, you may catch a good deal before the store or market closes.

- Variety & Moderation
Explore which category of Body Mass Index (BMI) each one of your family members belongs to. Are they under, within or above normal weight? Use the Food Pyramid as your guide to fulfil everyone's needs. Each of you should be getting enough from the five food groups: grains, fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and poultry, and dairy products; and a little from sugar, salt and fats.

- Nutritional Facts
Shop for foods that support healthy eating; not those with little or no nutrients. Take into account that the more food varieties you have, the more "power" nutrients you will get. Fortunately, it is now a requirement for certain categories of foods to carry nutrition information or nutritional facts to equip you to be the smart customer.

- Quality Deals
Look for quality food; don't be fooled by offers. For perishable items like fruits and vegetables, avoid those with black marks or are discoloured. Fish and meat with pink and firm flesh should be bought right away. When buying chilled or frozen foods, make sure they travel under ideal temperature, especially from store or market to home. Drastic temperature changes can reduce freshness of the foods, affecting the nutritive value and putting your health at risk.

- Make It Fun
Children should be brought along on grocery shopping trips. The chance for them to explore, learn and experience the amazing varieties of food is invaluable. Train them from young towards better health. It is a great investment of knowledge for their future. Plan your shopping trips to be as interactive and as interesting as possible. These will definitely engage your children's interest.

This article is courtesy of Malaysian Dietitians' Association.

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